Froggy Fall 2022
Treasures can be found in the most unlikely of places,
Though within an old book is maybe not so unique.
Books are magical, they are keys to the mind,
Each page with something new to find.
But that is not the treasure I found,
Because you let me steal its heart instead.
Have you ever wondered if frogs could fly?
I didn’t, and I didn’t want to find out
But someone decided to give me a broomstick,
And draw me soaring through the air real quick.
I will admit the sky is pretty, with the stars and the moon,
But I’d really like to admire them with my feet on the ground.
The future spooky, uncertain, and scary -
It can feel good to confide in a cookie or card.
The sun is so happy, the star is brightly shining,
And the world is there too, somewhat aligning.
Fortune favours the brave and bold
But I think I just got lucky with the cards you drew.
This time of the year is the time of the Pumpkins -
From Jack-O-Lanterns to Spice in the Coffee, it is everywhere!
I definitely like some more than the other,
And some I love, but too long to recover!
So this year, instead of a coffee with extra spice,
I’ll stay safe and carve a pumpkin with a spooky face.
Today, let’s play a game - spot the frog!
Can you find me?
Here, I’ll give you a clue:
I’m somewhere in the middle looking right at you!
Was that good enough?
Can you see me now?
Stone and gems, could really be anything -
A skimming stone, a sparkly ring, a trove of treasure!
But today was taken in a different way,
Which meant I got to log on and play.
Deep down under the blocks of dirt and grass,
I got to keep mining even when the day turned to night.
The night sky can be scary, sometimes
When it’s all covered by cloud and smog,
But other times, there’s stars up there
And suddenly, there’s no need to despair!
Because the stars are so pretty, and they make pretty shapes,
So look up, see what you can see in the twinkly lights.
This is not what I had in mind when I thought of a home -
Full of potions, poison, bats, and spiders.
Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble…
The last thing I want to do is Bubble!
Off goes the lids, and over tips the jar,
And hop goes me away from this horrid place.
For this one I got to dress up, and it was a lot of fun!
But do you know who I’m dressed as?
It’s from a movie, or so they say,
Something to do with a Disney, a Llama, and a plot gone astray.
Apparently, a wrong lever is pulled and there’s a house on a hill -
So do you know, ‘cause I’d sure like too.
On my walk, I came across my friend again,
He had been on his own adventure.
He had been hipping and hopping all around
Looking for what treasures could be found.
When he had one so special, a golden leaf,
He hopped my way to share it.
I have many favourite snacks.
Some are sweet, some are sticky, and some are sour,
But I think everyone has their favourite favourite,
That one snack that is always a real delight.
For me, I really, really, really like apples,
Not only are the sweet and sour, but they make me smile too!
The castle is way down below,
and it’s chilly way up on the mountain top,
But this adventure is about to become the best
Because I found a treasure chest!
Da. Da. Da. Na.
I found a potion!
Late, late at night on a road far away,
There is always an element of surprise.
This little creature came by chance,
Or perhaps more happenstance -
It tried to crawl up a trouser leg and hitch a ride,
So now I get a new friend once more.
This month has been an adventure,
I’ve met new friends and played lots of games -
Safe to say it’s been super fun
And it’s sad to have to say it’s done.
There so much I got to do,
And now with a farewell, we all wish you…
There is something quaint about a mushroom for a hat -
Those perhaps not so practical.
It is stylish, and colourful, hand-picked just for me,
But it’s not so great against the rain, you see.
Thankfully today the sun is shining,
Because thankfully, you choose to make the sky so blue.
A gardening frog might be peculiar to you,
But I’ll have you know a non-gardening frog is even stranger.
We know what to do will all these bits and bobs,
And tending to the herbs is the easiest of jobs.
So here I am in my own little garden,
With everything in a row and ready to go.
Sometimes it’s good to take break -
To settle down, to get cosy, and to watch time go by.
It’s good to be busy, to fill your day with productivity,
But you need to know when there’s toxicity.
It’s no good having no time,
So grab a mug and join me for a while.
Did you know that there’s always something somewhere?
It’s kinda crazy to think about -
Like somewhere there is a mossy log,
Somewhere under that mossy log, there is a frog,
That frog under the mossy log is waving and smiling,
And I hope you’re waving and smiling back.
Of all the places to wind up, I wound up here.
I’d understand if maybe today was the last day of these prompts,
But it’s not, it’s a plain ol’ Sunday.
So why is it that I had to lose my way
In a place so dark and cold,
With only a match instead of a torch?
Happy birthday to me,
Maybe not to you,
Or the person who drew my cake,
And sadly, there is no slice for you to take,
But it’s happy birthday to me, guaranteed,
So, won’t you celebrate with me?
Sometimes we all do too much,
Even when there isn’t much to do.
It seems to be a habit,
That ends up with us all feeling crabbit.
Take a break, have a tea - I brewed a pot.
So is it one sugar, or two?
Today I’m in two places at once
All because somebody forgot that yesterday existed.
So here I am on a hat in a field and a shelf on a wall -
Up here I feel really tall!
Maybe tomorrow I’ll come back down,
And find somewhere that makes a little more sense.
This is my friend -
He is small, and red, and very round.
He sits on my head and basks in the sun -
I don’t mind because he’s having fun.
He is my good friend, even a best friend,
But, honestly, I’m not sure what his name is…
Hocus Pocus, Abracadabra, and Alakazam!
Open Says Me!
Open Says You!
One these spells is bound to work,
Because by the power of Froggy Fall, I HAVE THE POWER!
I like to play games,
And cause a little mischief.
In the bushes, between the ivy, under the sorcerer’s hat -
No one will know where I’m at.
So I think you can guess, hide and seek is my favourite game
But what do you like to play?
Fall is filled with so many pretty colours.
Shades of red, orange and yellow,
So many hues to the leaves and flowers
Things to please the senses for hours.
This is definitely my favourite time of year
But maybe next year, I’ll see Froggy Winter instead.
Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble…
Now it’s our turn to make a brew.
A potion so pink
That when you drink
We ask nicely that you tell us what it does
Because we really don’t know.
Food brings peoples together, no matter who they are,
So I put together a feast for all my friends.
A little red frog and a tiny brown bug
With enough treats to keep them snug.
Little did I know some new friends would come along,
A few new spooky friends to join in the fun!