An Attempt at Persuasion
Written from a writing prompt and inspired by a current WIP, this piece is the rationale and reasoning of one man trying to convince another that it would be better if he moved on and left his love to die.

Perspective from the Battlefield
Taken from a five minute writing prompt to ‘try something new’, here is the world from the perspective of the pieces of a chess game.
Two stories being told at the same time in a piece of flash fiction.

By the Fire
One of the many tales of a wandering reaper, a hunter of monsters. This one is told only from his perspective as he sits by a fire after a long day’s travel. A stranger’s company is something he seldom indulges, this stranger seems to be a bit more curious than the rest.
A short monologue occasionally broken to highlight that this is a conversation with only one side ever being heard.
This has since become the basis for a much larger piece.