An Attempt at Persuasion
The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. True it can create wonders beyond imagination, pulling on the known to make the unknown possible. But what else can it do?
It was the human mind that birthed tragedy, was it not? We were the first to see a stone, only for our minds to build a weapon. We were the first to see a rival, only for our minds to commit a murder. Even now, I know you look upon me with little fondness and your mind is the one concocting what you would do if you were free of those restraints.
Our minds betray our potential.
Think of what could have been done, where we would be, had humanity not decided to develop nuclear energy as a weapon. It has the potential to advance us beyond imagination, to create those wonders, and yet, through the base instincts rooted in our minds, we choose ignorance. We choose fear. We only saw a weapon. We only saw destruction. But look at what we have done. All of this, we built from what lies beyond our limitations.
These entities are what lies beyond our limitations. They are not prisoners to their thoughts, slaves to their emotions. They are free and so they can become truly limitless. Imagine, just imagine what we could become if we were privy to such abilities.
You know I am right, so this isn’t a difficult choice.
Move on.
Forget her.
She is why we fear the human mind; she is why we remain limited. By her very existence, she channels fear, regret, anger, hate, malice, greed, envy, control, vice … sin. She is what allows destiny to roll the dice and decide whether we either create or destroy. She is the reason for it all, but as a result of everything you have done, evil will soon cease to exist.
Truly we thank you.
In time, you will feel differently about the necessity of her termination. After all, the only reason you feel the way you do now is because you are a slave to her.