The Depth of Sin


She, to me, is the morning, the noon, and the night;

All those simple things taken by time.

My clock takes a different form,

Each motion the tick, and hear her voice the chime;

Lips as red as the summer rose,

Hair the envy of golden sun,

Curves smooth, tender, fair –

For me, there is only one.

An image of perfection captured for me;

For I cannot be expected to live without thee.


The spread of the table

Spilling out of bowls

Piled high on plates.

A landscape rich and contrasting -

A fat, plump centre piece,

The scent of a Sunday roast;

A deep purple liquor river of a crumbling pudding;

Mountains of green shoots and orange batons,

And valleys of sweet summer fruits and hearty tubers.

Glistening silver ware,

Tarnished tips and blunted edges.

A cracked plate covered by tattered cloth.

The chair scraping across the floor,

The beginning of the feast.


A note to begin with,

Something small and humble –

Tales of a man from myth,

The gift to all who stumble.

Oh, to write such a legend!

Let the words enthral,

And create hopes that will never be;

Stories never to be questioned.

Now we start it all,

With this, an ode to me.


Here lies my first and my last.

The beloved and the admired,

The one I watched with green eyes.

You who fell so suddenly at my behest,

I will remember, I will replace.


To start with nothing,

Languorous years passing by –

Valued above all.


It will never be enough; the riches,

The gold and silver which drive the world apart,

The papers which influence the ambitious.

Bring together the fineries – fabric and art.

Keep them all within my reach,

Give me somewhere to start.

Practice what you preach –

It is never enough,

To practice what I preach, there must be another vault to breech.


Is an explanation required?

Nothing was ill deserved,

After all a man can only be loyal to himself.

A lost job, a lost home, a lost wife, a lost lover  –

Everything to bring a chapter to a close.

Is an explanation required?

A box filled, its cardboard punctured and warped.

A note upon the door, with the bold letters a sigh.

After all a man can only be loyal to himself.

An empty hall, entering a house full of noise;

Shoes side-by-side: mine, yours, and theirs

Is an explanation required?

Is there a need to be quiet? To be careful?

What is the risk? There is nothing to lose,

After all a man can only be loyal to himself.

Hands, steel, both stained red,

Linen sodden, weighted down as they lay so still –

Is an explanation required?

After all a man can only be loyal to himself.


From the Corner